About Us

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to make Process Outsourcing easily accessible to all small and mid-sized companies across the globe, provide excellent service experience to our customers with the help of emerging technologies and experienced professionals.

Value System

No Business relationship can sustain happily without a strong self-imposed framework of value system. PlutusContinuum, has clearly laid down it's value framework to which we are 100% committed to.

Our Five core values defining the way we do business are:


We will always be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct.


We will conduct business keeping in mind the long-term interest of our Customers, Employees and our Society


Will always be focusing on quality of work we do, continuously challenge the status-quo and always try to be the most innovative partner by choice.

People Care

Motivated workforce is the biggest asset for any Organization. We are committed to employee satisfaction and well-being at all the times.

Customer Focused

Clients associated with us are the reason for out existence and hence our day today business conduct is customer focused to keep them 100% satisfied every-time.

Plutus Continuum is a registered member of Government of India Startup Initiative and leverage various resources available to its members, enjoys a strong network with like minded professionals and backed by support from renowned industry leaders.